Tag: Task Oriented Dialogue


Discriminative Deep Dyna-Q Robust Planning for Dialogue Policy Learning

本文是Deep Dyna-Q Integrating Planning for Task-Completion Dialogue Policy Learning 团队的续作,主要解决的是原始DDQ模型对world model生成的simulated dialogues质量好坏的严重依赖,通过引入一个区分真实对话和模拟对话的判别器,进而提高DDQ模型的鲁棒性和有效性。paper linkcode link



A brief introduction to Maluuba’s Frames dataset. It is designed to help drive research that enables truly conversational agents that can support decision-making in complex settings. The dataset contains natural and complex dialogues with users considering different options, comparing packages, and progressively building rich descriptions through conversation.



RNNLG is an open source benchmark toolkit for Natural Language Generation (NLG) in spoken dialogue system application domains. It is released by Tsung-Hsien (Shawn) Wen from Cambridge Dialogue Systems Group under Apache License 2.0.


Latent Intention Dialogue Models

论文提出了一种隐意图对话模型(Latent Intention Dialogue Model, LIDM),通过离散的隐变量来学习对话意图,这些隐变量可以看作引导对话生成的动作决策,提高基于手工构建的状态-动作集传统强化学习模型所生成对话的多样性。